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Is living space illegally repurposed when it is used by holidaymakers?

When rental apartments are rented out via online portals there is a risk that the actual use of the living space will be different to the one that was […]


Shorter useful life – How faster tax depreciation of real estate can be achieved

Fixed tax depreciation rates based on standardised useful lives mean that real estate users have only limited scope to provide proof of an actual […]


Reciprocal sales – Rotating holdings at below their value will not be recognised for tax purposes

Tax saving potential cannot be generated by rotating the holdings of two shareholders in a GmbH [German private limited company] among each other if […]


Update on trade tax add-backs of rental and lease payments

In recent years, trade tax add-backs have frequently been the subject of disputes between taxpayers and the fiscal administration. Tax audits rarely […]


E-charging stations – Accounting for their acquisition and maintenance by companies

In the course of the energy transition process, electromobility is being encouraged in a number of ways. It will also be necessary to develop the […]


ESG reporting – Measuring non-financial performance on the basis of the Women’s Career Index (Frauen-Karriere-Index, FKI)

While, in the past, sales revenue and profit were regarded as the sole criteria for economic success, these days, companies also have to be judged on […]


German Whistleblower Protection Act has entered into force

The ‘Act for better protection of whistleblowers as well as for the transposition of the EU directive on the protection of persons who report breaches […]


Green Claims – EU criteria against greenwashing and misleading environmental claims

On 22.3.2023, the EU Commission presented a draft directive on common criteria against greenwashing and misleading environmental claims. The […]


Workplace health promotion in the fitness studio

Employers are able to provide an attractive benefit to their employees in the form of tax-free payments for health promotion up to a value of €600 per […]


Increased tax-exempt amount for vocational training – How parents can reduce their tax burden

When children are studying or undertaking vocational training their parents frequently help them out financially. If the child does not live at home […]


New ruling on exit tax by the Bundesfinanzhof

Under the German Foreign Transactions Tax Act, exit tax has to be paid by those who hold substantial stakes in a corporation (at least 1%) and who […]


Beware the tax trap in the case of share deals

The fundamental changes to the Real Estate Transfer Tax Act (Grunderwerbsteuergesetz, GrEStG) are now sufficiently well known. Their aim was to […]


Sale of properties held as private assets – Recognise and avoid the tax pitfalls

Capital gains on personal property are not generally subject to income tax. Even the capital gain on a property that was used to generate income from […]


Compensation payments made to tenants as immediately deductible expenses

According to a ruling recently issued by the Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH), payments made to tenants to compensate them for moving out […]


Taxation in Germany of remuneration from abroad

If an employee residing in Germany works abroad then the question that arises is if and to what extent the income can also be taxed in Germany. Even […]


Building assets with ETFs in an asset management GmbH [limited liability company] as opposed to private assets (Part 2)

The effects of compound interest while building assets are mainly impacted by the tax implications. In the previous article we had a look at private […]


Employee bonuses where there is no legal entitlement – A provision is nevertheless possible

A provision for liabilities of uncertain timing or amount presupposes, among other things, that payment is more likely than not. According to a ruling […]


The decision to disclaim an inheritance should not be taken lightly

Disclaiming an inheritance is a move that could be considered not merely where the aim is to avoid personal liability for the deceased person‘s debts. […]


Usufruct of a benefit as abusive structuring?

When usufruct agreements are made between, in particular, parents and their (under-age) children, disputes over the recognition for tax purposes […]


Pension commitments – No provision where there are harmful reservations

The requirements for creating a provision within the meaning of Section 6a of the Income Tax Act (Einkommensteuergesetz, EStG) would generally not be […]

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